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Maison Fabre is blazing a trail on Gabrielle Légeret’s podcast  « De l’or dans les mains « , showcasing the talent of artisanal workshops throughout France.

A big thanks to her for featuring us on her show! It’s available on all podcast platforms as well as her website

 «  There are places in this world that are just imbued with soul, one of those is Millau, in Aveyron a region in southern France. For generations, there has been a transmission of excellence in glove making, the small city nestled in the canyon carries the weighty title of «  Glove City »

 For nearly one hundred years, Maison Fabre has reveled in this savoir-faire. Several figures in history, film, and stage have worn their wares. Famous wearers have included Grace Kelly, on her wedding day, Jean -Louis Trintignant in the film Un Homme et une Femme, Louis de Funes in La Folie des Grandeurs, Steve McQueen in The Thomas Crown Affair, and recently on the small screen Lilly Collins in Emily in Paris.

 However, the entire sector is in peril of disappearing from the landscape This sector does have a formidable advocate in Olivier Fabre. He and his non-profit have been working to achieve Intangible World Heritage

 Status with UNESCO for the art of glove-making in Millau.

 The great-grandson of Etienne Fabre the founder of the house, Olivier Fabre is a fourth generation to take up the mantle of glove maker perpetuating the art. And we will just say it out loud – Olivier absolutely rocks!

Because to keep up with the insanity of our times, one has to adapt or disappear completely. It’s no longer the 19th century when glove-wearing was de rigueur. With characteristic talent and perseverance, Olivier has risen to the challenge of innovating, defending, and helping people to fall back in love with the art form. Along the way leaving no one behind, from the shepherd to the seamstress.